New York University, ITP
The design for this 3D printed sculpture was made in Processing, a java-based programming language. A model system was created that simulated flocking behaviors seen in groups of birds, schools of fish, and swarms. The movement was translated to a 3D drawing, essentially functioning as a paintbrush style. The group behavior was altered live, shifting the flocking pattern as the sculpture was "grown", which resulted in entirely unique forms every time the program ran.

Corrie Van Sice, Complexity Drawing, 2010, 3D printed gypsum powder, cyanoacrylate, poplar base.

Corrie Van Sice, Complexity Drawing, detail, 2010, 3D printed gypsum powder, cyanoacrylate, poplar base.

Corrie Van Sice, Complexity Drawing, 2010, 3D printed gypsum powder, cyanoacrylate, poplar base.

Corrie Van Sice, rendering from Complexity Drawing program, 2010, 3D mesh file.

Corrie Van Sice, photo still from Complexity Drawing program development phase, 2010.